- agonistic
- полемическийСинонимический ряд:cool and aloof (adj.) callous; cold; cool; cool and aloof; frigid; glacial; indifferent; unfriendly
English-Russian base dictionary . 2014.
English-Russian base dictionary . 2014.
agonistic — agonístic adj. m., pl. agonístici; f. sg. agonístică, pl. agonístice Trimis de siveco, 10.08.2004. Sursa: Dicţionar ortografic AGONÍSTIC, Ă adj. Referitor la lupta de idei. [< fr. agonistique … Dicționar Român
Agonistic — Ag o*nis tic, Agonistical Ag o*nis tic*al, a. [Gr. ?. See {Agonism}.] Pertaining to violent contests, bodily or mental; pertaining to athletic or polemic feats; athletic; combative; hence, strained; unnatural. [1913 Webster] As a scholar, he [Dr … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
agonistic — [ag΄ə nis′tik] adj. [Gr agōnistikos, fit for contest < agōn, AGON] 1. of ancient Greek athletic contests 2. combative 3. strained for effect: Also agonistical agonistically adv … English World dictionary
agonistic — ag·o·nis·tic .ag ə nis tik adj of, relating to, or being aggressive or defensive social interaction (as fighting, fleeing, or submitting) between individuals usu. of the same species <agonistic behavior> * * * ag·o·nis·tic (ag″ə… … Medical dictionary
agonistic — agonistically, adv. /ag euh nis tik/, adj. 1. combative; striving to overcome in argument. 2. straining for effect: agonistic humor. 3. of or pertaining to ancient Greek athletic contests. 4. Ethology. pertaining to the range of activities… … Universalium
agonistic — adjective /aɡəˈnɪstɪk/ a) Of or relating to contests that were originally participated in by the Ancient Greeks; athletic. This was clearly such an event, but like the ancient religion of Israel, it was also deeply agonistic. b) Characterised by… … Wiktionary
agonistic — ag•o•nis•tic [[t]ˌæg əˈnɪs tɪk[/t]] also ag o•nis′ti•cal adj. 1) combative; striving to overcome in argument 2) straining for effect: agonistic humor[/ex] 3) anh of or pertaining to ancient Greek athletic contests 4) anb psl pertaining to a… … From formal English to slang
Agonistic display — is the combative or territorial behavior of an animal that feels threatened by or intends to threaten another animal, usually of the same species … Wikipedia
Agonistic liberalism — The term Agonistic liberalism appears in John Gray s book Isaiah Berlin from 1995. Gray uses this phrase to describe what he believes is Berlin s theory of politics, namely his support for both value pluralism and liberalism.More generally,… … Wikipedia
Agonistic behaviour — In ethology, agonistic behaviour is any social behaviour related to fighting, such as aggressive or submissive behaviours. It explicitly includes behaviours such as subordinance, retreat and conciliation which are functionally and physiologically … Wikipedia
agonistic — adjective Date: 1648 1. of or relating to the athletic contests of ancient Greece 2. argumentative 3. striving for effect ; strained 4. of, relating to, or being aggressive or defensive social interaction (as fighting, fleeing, or submitting) … New Collegiate Dictionary